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solution – banking

Loan Underwriting Process


Streamline contract creation process

Simple yet powerful solution for commercial banks application that streamlines the loan request process from end customer to underwriting team.

With a user-friendly interface, the front desk can easily collect and validate customer data, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

The comprehensive set of validation rules helps to minimize errors and expedite the loan approval process.

Our complete workflow facilitates seamless collaboration between the front desk and underwriting team, ensuring a quick turnaround time for loan approvals.

A colour-significant dashboard will ensure quick decision making

Project Overview

Typical usage scenario

An physical or online bank that wants to expose quickly its sales staff to collect loan request

They can quickly onboard this app and after configuration Workflow needs then to be reviewed to address the specificities

Finally every implementation will require a specific setup of the API to invoke to send to Underwriting process


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      Loan full details request

      Entry and control of all

      Underwriting process

      Underwriter reviews al loan types for rejection or acceptance

      Piloting dashboard

      Full view of all request statuses
