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solution – csr scoring

CSR Scoring and Assessment for Corporates


Evaluate and develop your CSR performance

Our original IT tool helping your company assess its maturity level towards the sustainable objectives set forth by the European Union. Our product uses a comprehensive set of criteria to evaluate your company’s sustainability practices and assigns a score* to each entity within your group. This allows for a deeper understanding of your company’s sustainability efforts and highlights areas for improvement.

Not only does our product provide valuable insights into your company’s sustainability practices, but it also fosters a culture of internal positive competition and encourages a sense of accountability.

With our user-friendly interface and detailed reporting, you can easily track your progress towards sustainability goals and monitor the success of your remediation efforts. Start your journey towards sustainable success today with our innovative IT product!

Project Overview

Typical usage scenario

A large international Group wants to boost its global maturity on ESG goals set by UN – One clever way to do this is by launching a kind of an internal contest
Therefore every sub is invited to score itself by declaring (and providing proofs) their own actions on each of the 17 goals / Areas


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      Questionnaire in several languages

      Proprietary set of questions and criteria to assess the maturity on each of the 17 Sust. objectives and calculate different levels of score

      Formal Assessment by experts

      Formal assessment done by ESG experts within the group


      Follow up of questionnaires completion and comparison between entities and countries


      Full workflow between entity responsible and assessors
