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A variety of projects in several industries

Application examples

We offer services for global companies as well as SMB’s

All developed in low-code using the Mendix platform, our projects are executed in accordance with the Agile methodology. We support our clients from the phase of functional and technical specifications to maintenance and user training.

Merchandising ManagementRetail

Tool for managing promotion campaigns and product merchandising across all French distribution channels

Finance & Insurance Insurance

The digital transformation of an insurance group generates dozens of application needs of various types. Most of them are completed within a few weeks

Agricultural transformation managementIndustry

The French sugar group Tereos has entrusted us with the development of a Mendix application to track all stages of beet transformation.

Product Life CycleFinancial

The needs for financial management are becoming increasingly complex, demanding analysis and tracking tools that go beyond the capabilities of spreadsheets

Credit request managementFInancial

As the market leader in credit cards in Israel, Isracard has chosen Mendix and Tocndix for their digital transformation, ensuring both performance and security.

Sales force managementRetail

The follow-up of sales forces is part of the services offered by the company to its clients and relies on a tailor-made tool developed in Mendix

PCB Production MonitoringIndustry

The design and production of electronic components require powerful and adaptable tracking and control tools.

Planning a development project? Let's brainstorm it out!