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Webinar Mendix

Low-code, a catalyst for digital transformation in the insurance sector



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Discover through the experience of Euler-Hermes, how the insurance sector is experiencing its digital transformation.
How Mendix’s low-code technology and TOCnDix’s Agile development expertise enable this market leader to meet the daily digital challenge.


On the program

Language: French

We explore the specifics of the insurance sector and the evolution of customer expectations.
This industry, which is essentially based on the exploitation of data, still suffers from too many Excel workbooks and manual operations.
It becomes imperative to break the traditional functioning of the sector and modernize its entire ecosystem.
Innovation is essential!
#InsurTech will gradually transform the insurance purchasing experience, improve the efficiency of claims processing, optimize risk management and increase profitability.
Faced with this wave of new needs, low-coding platforms like Mendix are coming at the right time to complement agile transformation. They will make it possible to accelerate the development of applications without overburdening IT departments.
They will facilitate their deployment while respecting the security and governance rules that are required in this sector.
Finally, low-code will free companies from their aging IT, from all the legacy applications on which strategic data is based and which represent a real latent risk for the entire insurance industry.
In this session, we address the return on investment (ROI) issues of moving to low-code but also the organizational implications linked to the adoption of the Agile method which is at the heart of Mendix’s technical solution. Finally, we share some practical examples of Euler Hermes Low Code applications developed on Mendix by TOCnDix, which have led to more efficient use of data and controlled claims management costs.
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