Low-Code, catalyst of digital transformation in the insurance sector

Agile Digital Makers
November, 24th 2020
Did you miss our « Low-Code, Digital Transformation Catalyst in the Insurance Industry » live webinar?
Don’t worry, our on-demand version is now available for you! This webinar was co-hosted by Euler Hermes (leader in trade credit insurance), Mendix (the leading low coding platform) and TOCnDix (low-code and agile development experts).
Learn from Euler-Hermes, how the insurance industry is embracing digital transformation.
How they leverage the Low-Code Mendix platform benefits and the TOCnDix agile development expertise to rise to the challenge of digital transformation.
Watch now the recorded webinar that discuss the low code impact on the insurance industry in this digital area.
What to expect:
TOCnDix is using the leading Low Coding platform Mendix to ease and accelerate the digital transformation of the world’s leading provider of trade-related insurance solutions: Euler Hermes.
In this webinar we discuss the future of the insurance industry in the digital era.
We explore the nature of the insurance industry where customers’ expectations are rapidly evolving. This data driven industry still involves human interactions and time consuming paperwork. Nonetheless traditional work processes are no longer appropriate to fit in the new insurance ecosystem. This is why innovation is needed. InsurTech is key to positively change the insurance purchase experience, improve claim processing efficiency, optimize risk management and increase profitability.
Low Coding is at the very core of insurance disruption by reducing the manual coding needed, easing the application deployment, delivering much faster powerful and secure applications and therefore offering a better than ever ROI. Mendix encourages the Agile methodology adoption for application development, meaning a collaborative development process with continuous delivery of functional application. It’s particularly relevant to the Insurance industry submerged in legacy systems in order to lower IT migration cost.
In this session, we share some practical examples of Euler Hermes Low-Code applications developed on Mendix by TOCnDix, that led to a more effective data management and claims management costs.
Le Low-code, Digital Transformation Catalyst, in the Insurance Industry
This 45 minutes webinar is in French and is available on-demand. In this session, Oren Mizrahi, Product Owner at TOCnDix is interviewing Benoit Bernheim, IT Innovation &advisory officer at Euler Hermes, an Allianz company.
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