7 reasons to adopt low-code and accelerate digital transformation

Agile Digital Makers
July, 22nd 2020
Developing an application quickly while reducing the amount of hand coding to minimum is now a reality, thanks to the Mendix low-coding platform! In just a few years, this user friendly platform has established itself as a leader in providing a solution to the developer drought. Today, we give you 7 good reasons to adopt low-code technology in order to accelerate your business’ digital transformation…
1. Low-code: the solution to developer shortage
Over the last few years, the demand for application development has significantly increased . Due to this strong growth and the lack of developers, IT departments of companies have found themselves overwhelmed. The wait time for these projects is getting longer and longer.
To overcome the lack of qualified developers, low-code provide the ideal solution. Easy to use, the Mendix platform requires a small amount of coding and allows citizen developers (employees from any other department beside IT), to develop a web or mobile application using a graphic interface.
How it works? It’s simple: the low-code platform offers a visual interface with, among other things, pre-built templates and features that can be added using « drag and drop ».

Cope with the lack of qualified developers.
2. Low-code increases productivity
By allowing citizen developers to take an active part in an application development, low-code promotes the agile methodology implementation within your company. With Mendix, the leading low-code paltform, different collaborators can add their feedback directly to the platform and adapt the development to the applications’ end-users requests. The “citizen developers” free up qualified developers. Low-code increases developers productivity as they spend less time on the same development project and can thus be dedicated to other missions.
« Low-code platforms offer great flexibility and allow you to easily adapt your applications to your evolving business needs. »
3. Low-code development enables continuous innovation
Combining low-code with agile methodology, gets your IT, business or even marketing departments to work together and simultaneously on the same application. Each employee can therefore actively participate and provide relevant input at each stage of your project’s development. Communication between your different departments is definitely improved and this way, you can promote innovation and creativity within your company.

Encourage Continuous Innovation
4. Low-code promotes a collaborative application development process
Low-code platforms, enable smooth et effective communication between IT departments and “citizen developers”. Thanks to an intuitive graphical interface, low-code platforms ease the collaboration between the different teams involved in the application development process. More specifically, the Mendix platform also integrates DevOps tools to allow different people to work simultaneously on the same project while keeping their work synchronized.
5. Low-code applications evolve at the pace of your digital transformation
Low-code platforms offer great flexibility and allow you to easily adapt your applications to your evolving business needs. They offer a much easier way to identify and fix bugs arising from existing application modifications. Those platforms enable ongoing and efficient collaboration between IT and business departements, and therefore lower the risks of “shadow IT”. Low-code development provides you better governance and risk management.
6. Improving user experience through multiexperience development
Over the last few years, multi-experience development has become more and more popular. Multiexperience refers to a variety of senses (voice, touch…), devices (web, mobile, wearable…) and applications that users get to use on different support. This kind of development ensure optimal user experience regardless of devices’ type, and without developing a new application for each support. Gartner even considers it as one of the 5 major trends of the year 2020.
With low-code, it is possible to easily develop several interaction channels, such as a chatbot or a mobile application, perfectly adjusted to each device and without re-creating the application for each support. For exemple, the Mendix low-code platform allows you to deploy the same application on different channels. You can effortlessly use the same application on several channels while ensuring a consistent user experience.
7. Low-code is becoming essential for application development
More and more compagnies have already adopted some kind of low code platforms to easily speed up application development in a cost efficient way. According to Gartner’s forecasts, by 2024, more than 64% of applications will be developed using low-code technoilogy. It has already become a new trend in the tech world. Don’t let your competition get ahead and go low-code now!
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